“This church is the pillar and stable foundation of truth,
because in it soundeth the voice of the Son of God”
John Philpot
Enlightening and educating God’s people through sound biblical-based teachings and all manifestations of the Holy Spirit in order to establish them in a Christ-Centered and heaven driven life. Showing them how to access the power of God and appropriately exercise it in order to draw their families, communities and nation to GOD.
Equipping them with the tools they need to fulfill their destiny and also working for GOD and HIS kingdom.
We believe that prayer is the key to unlocking and overcoming every challenge in life both spiritual and physical. As a church we constantly admonish and teach our people to cultivate the habit of praying always as taught by Jesus in
Luke 18:1 “…. man ought to pray, and not faint”.
We are on a mission as a church to affect positively the thinking patterns of people. This is because we believe that, the way people live is affected by the way they think. When people think of Fear, they automatically live in Fear and vice versa. In summary, when the mindsets of people are affected positively, we will experience better lifestyles in our societies.
Becoming the Centre widely acclaimed for strengthening lives spiritually, psychologically, financially, emotionally, economically and maritally. We aim at defeating all negative and opposing forces in our society as well as influencing people to live a positive lifestyle in accordance with Gods word through Christ Jesus.
Two basic ways for winning souls:
Family and friends – we believe that soul winning starts from the person closest to you. If we follow the initial stages of Christ’s ministry, we will realize that the message about Him spread through family and friends.
JESUS performed His first miracle at a wedding, where such would gather to grace an occasion.
Professional Groupings - This means sharing the gospel at your place of work. In Luke 5, when Peter encountered the miracle working Jesus, he called his fisher folk to partake of the blessings. God has not called us to be disciples in our homes only but in our workplaces and communities too.